09 Apr 2017 15:00 - 18:00
Sallinger-Saal, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC), Vienna - Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1040 Wien, Austria
Cherie Blair, QC on "Wikileaks & Beyond: Admissibility of Improperly Obtained Evidence in International Arbitration"


Dear colleagues and friends of the Vis Arbitration Moot,

The University of Vienna and the Austrian Arbitration Association (Arb|Aut) would like to cordially invite you to the fifth Bergsten Lecture which takes place annually in the week of the Vis Arbitration Moot finals. The Lecture is held in honor of Professor Eric Bergsten, the "father" of the Vis Arbitration Moot who had organized this event for the past 20 years.

This year´s Lecture will be given by Cherie Blair, CBE, QC, who will discuss the topic


"Wikileaks & Beyond:
Admissibility of Improperly Obtained Evidence in International Arbitration"


The Lecture will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Professor Paul Oberhammer (Faculty of Law Vienna) with Professor Stefan Kröll (Director VIS-Moot) and Florian Kremslehner (Dorda) as panelists.

The event will take place

on Sunday, 9 April 2017 from 15.00 to 18.00 hrs
at "Sallinger-Saal", Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC)

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1040 Vienna, Austria
and will be followed by a Sky Lounge Cocktail Reception for VIS Arbitrators hosted by Arb|Aut.

Due to the size of the venue, admittance to the lecture will be limited. The Lecture and the following Sky Lounge Cocktail are already fully booked. Since the capacity of the venue is already exceeded, we cannot accept any further registrations.


All Dates

  • 09 Apr 2017 15:00 - 18:00