Various Articles on the Vienna Rules and the Vienna Mediation Rules
Co-Editor and Author of the Handbook Vienna Rules (2014) and Handbook Vienna Mediation Rules (2016) published by VIAC / Service GmbH of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Alice Fremuth-Wolf, "The European Convention on International Arbitration as a Tool to Remedy Pathological Arbitration Agreements – „There’s still Life in the Old Dog yet!", in AUSTRIAN ARBITRATION YEARBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 2013 [61] (Klausegger et al, eds.)
Stefan Riegler / Alexander Petsche / Alice Fremuth-Wolf / Martin Platte / Christoph Liebscher, Arbitration Law of Austria: Practice and Procedure, Juris (2007) 1050 pages, commentary on the Austrian Arbitration Act 2006 in English with complete list of case law and official comment to the Act
Christoph Liebscher / Alice Fremuth-Wolf (eds.), Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe, Juris (2006)
Alice Fremuth-Wolf, Die Schiedsvereinbarung im Zessionsfall (The Arbitration Agreement in Case of Assignment), Verlag Oesterreich (2004)
Alice Fremuth, Schiedsverfahren und Konkurs - Zur Bindung des Masseverwalters an Schiedsvereinbarungen des Gemeinschuldners (Arbitration and insolvency – Is an arbitration agreement concluded by the insolvent debtor binding on the official receiver ?), ÖJZ 1998, 848.
Alice Fremuth, Das Unternehmensreorganisationsgesetz (Law on the reorganization of undertakings), RdW 1997, Sonderheft (special edition).