Faculty of Law, University Passau (Germany), Master of Laws, major specialisation: German Corporate Law (2007)
Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, Master of Laws (2005)
Faculty of Law, University Passau (Germany), Socrates-Erasmus Exchange Program (2003)
pending Commentary to the Law on Commercial Corporations (parts related to Limited Liability Company and Joint Stock Company), C. H. Beck
Filip V., Fyrbach D.: Limited Liability Company, Wolters Kluwer, 2016
Fyrbach D., Zhejbalová V.: Delivery of documents in civil and commercial matters in the European Union, Private law, Wolters Kluwer, 10/2016
Fyrbach D., Filip V.: New rules on conflicts of interest, Recodification & Practice,
Wolters Kluwer 9/2015 and 10/2015,
Fyrbach, D., Olík, M.: The Competence of Investment Arbitration Tribunals to Seek Preliminary Rulings from European Courts, Revista Romana de drept European, Wolters Kluwer 6/2012
Fyrbach, D., Olík, M.: Are the Intra-EU Investment Disputes at their End/How the EU may contribute to the Effectiveness of Intra-EU Investment Disputes, The European & Middle Eastern Arbitration Review 2011, GAR