Christian Gassauer-Fleissner

Contact Details
First Name
Gassauer-Fleissner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Area of Specialisation / Arbitration Experience
Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, Joint Ventures / Consortia / Shareholder Agreements, Pharmaceuticals
Wollzeile 3 / Lugeck 6
1010 Vienna
+43 1 205 206 100
+ 43 1 205 206 207
English, German, French
Membership Status
Professional Details
Bar Admission




University of Vienna, Faculty of Law (Dr. iur. 1980)  




Co-Author (with Gerhard Benn-Ibler and Rudolf Krilyszyn): EEC-Law for Entrepreneurs, An Introduction, Signum-Verlag, Vienna 1989 [German]


Insider transactions in the EEC, Industrie Nr. 1/2/1990 [German]


Employees in the European Company, Industrie Nr. 5/1990 [German]


Co-Author (with Ivo Deskovic): Tax Aspects of the Internationalisation of the Investment Fund Industry, Austrian Section, Sullivan & Cromwell Memorandum July 1990 [English]


EC Decides in Favour of Free Distribution, Industrie Nr. 13/1990 [German]


EC and Cooperation, Industrie Nr. 21/1990 [German]


EC: Prohibited Subsidies, Industrie Nr. 23/1990 [German]


Patent Treaty, Industrie Nr. 32/33/1990 [German]


R & D in a Team, Industrie Nr. 37/1990 [German]


Metal Europe, Industrie Nr. 38/1990 [German]


EEC Treaty, Expensive Breach, Industrie Nr. 44/1990 [German]


EC: Free Movement of Food, Industrie Nr. 47/1990 [German]


Negative Attestation, Industrie Nr. 50/1990 [German]


EC Tightens Risks Related to Garbage, Industrie Nr. 51/1990 [German]


Le Tribunal d'arbitrage de la Chambre Fédéral d'Economie de Vienne: Les dispositions les plus essentielles, en meme temps un essai de confrontation avec les normes d'arbitrage de la Österreichische Zivilprozeßordnung (Code de Procédure Civile Autrichien), AIJA Gazette International Arbitration Arbitrage International 1991/1 [French]


Double Taxation, Industrie Nr. 3/1991 [German]


Improvement of Structure, Industrie Nr. 4/1991 [German]


Innovation Comes First, Industrie Nr. 5/1991 [German]


Clear Requirements, Industrie Nr. 7/1991 [German]


EC: Individual Exemption, Industrie Nr. 13/1991 [German]


Against Distortion, Industrie Nr. 20/1991 [German]


The Timing of Discharge of Members of the Board of Management or the Supervisory Board who Leave in the Course of a Business Year, Der Gesellschafter 3/1992 [German]


Free Selection of Construction, Industrie Nr. 25/1992 [German]


EC Facilitates Parallel Imports, Wirtschaftswoche Nr. 18/1992 [German]


Distribution of Luxury Goods, Wirtschaftswoche Nr. 39/1992 [German]


European Protection for Computersoftware, Wirtschaftswoche Nr. 21/1993 [German]


Design Protection for Parts, ecolex 1993, p 323 [German]


Austrian contribution in "The European Software Directive", Clifford Chance, 1993 [English]      


Co-Author (with Barbara Kuchar): Austrian contribution in "International Intellectual Property Law", Center for International Legal Studies, 1995 [English]


Austrian contribution in Olson/Manialis "Trade Marks: World Law and Practice", FT Law & Tax [English]


Co-Author (with Wolfgang Kalny): The Need for Deregulation in the Course of Founding an Enterprise, in S.O.S. im Regelwald, 26 Beiträge zur Deregulierung, Signum Verlag 1996 [German]


Secrecy, Disclosure and Publication of Data in IT-Networks, ecolex 4/1997 [German]


Co-Author (with Michael Wolner): Recent Developments in Austrian Copyright Law, IPBA Journal March 1998 [English]


Co-Author (with Michael Wolner): The Defence of Invalidity of a Patent in PI-Proceedings, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 2000 [German]


Co-Author (with Alexander Cizek): Recent IP-Related Legislative Developments in Austria, IPBA Journal December 2001 [English]


Co-Author (with Rainer Schultes): The Patent Agent Nevertheless is Necessary for the purposive Enforcement of Rights, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 6/2002 [German]


Co-Author (with Georg Eckert): Surveillance Duties of the Supervisory Board in a Group of Companies, GeS aktuell 11/2004 [German]


Co-Author (with Christian Grave): Austrian Private Foundation Law, Manz’sche Große Gesetzesausgabe mit erläuternden Bemerkungen und Entscheidungen, 2005 [German]


Co-Author (with Rainer Schultes): Commentary on decision OGH 40b 134/04s relating to the validity of Swiss Type patent claims, ÖBl 2/2005 [German]


Duties and Limits of Experts related to Quetions of Patent Infringement, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht l 6/2005 [German]


Co-Author (with Michael Wolner): The Austrian Practice in Cornish/Pagenberg "Interpretation of Patents in Europe. Application of Article 69 EPC", Heymanns 2006, 12 ff [English]


Patent- und Know-How-License-Agreements Petsche/Vartian "Wiener Vertragshandbuch" vol. 2, Manz 2006, 411 ff [German]


The Role of Austria in Multinational Patent Infringement Cases, Pagenberg-Festschrift, 263, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2006 [German]


The Investment Decision of the Management Board of Private Foundations, Zeitschrift für Stiftungswesen 4/2006 [German]


The Patent Infringement Dispute in Austria - Today, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 7/2007 [German]


Austrian Section in Kluwer: EU Patent Case Reporter; Database of Patent Decisions from EPC countries, beginning with 2008


Co-Author (with Christian Grave): Austrian Private Foundation Law, Manz’sche Große Gesetzesausgabe mit erläuternden Bemerkungen und Entscheidungen, 2. Edition, 2008 [German]


Co-Author (with Robert Rittler and Rainer Schultes): The Responsibilities of Social Security Institutions and the Main Association of Social Security Institutions under patent Law, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, 3/2008 [German]


Founding with Substance, transkript Nr. 1-2/2009 [German]


The Rights of Multiple Rightholders of Intellectual Property Rights, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, 4/2009 [German]


Co-Author (with Markus Panhölzl): Decision-making of the Board of Directors of Private Foundations, in Feiler/Raschhofer (Eds), Innovation und international Rechtspraxis, Praxisschrift für Wolfgang Zankl (2009), 191. [German]


Co-Author (with Markus Panhölzl): Commentary on the „Attorney-Decison“, in Eiselberg (Eds), Stiftungsrecht JB 2010, 107 [German]


Co-Author (with Dominik Göbel): Patents 2011, A practical cross-border insight into patent work, ICLG to Patents 2011 Chapter 4


Copying: Forbidden – Allowed – Desirable – Required?, in Hansen/Schüssler-Langeheine (Eds), Patent Practice in Japan and Europe, Liber Amicorum for Guntram Rahn, Kluwer Law International 2011, 187


Patent- und Know-How-License-Agreements, in Hausmaninger/Petsche/Vartian "Wiener Vertragshandbuch" vol. 2, 2nd Edition, Manz 2011 [German]


The feasibility of family private foundations for sustainable economic acivity, Zeitschrift für Unternehmensnachfolge und Steuerplanung 4/2012 [German]


Innovation and Financing, in: Fitz/Kalss/Kautz/Kucsko/Lukas/U.Torggler (Hrsg), Festschrift für Hellwig Torggler, 2013 [German]


New EU-Directive on the Protection of Trade Secrets, Ecolex - Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 8/2016 [German]


Co-Author (with Sabine Agé): Too much and too little? The implementation of the Enforcement Directive in France and in Austria as far as measures for preserving evidence are concerned, Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 4/2017 [German]



Professional Associations

AIPPI, APRAM, Ligue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence, Austrian Association for Industrial Property and Copyright, LES, EPLAW (member of the Board since 2009, Deputy chairman 2010 – 2011, President 2011-2013, member of advisory board since 2013), ECTA, INTA, MARQUES, Federation of Austrian Private Foundations, Austrian Association for Arbitration, IBA, UIA, IPBA,  Austrian Association for Comparative Law, Vienna Attorneys' Society "UNION", Law Committee of the Austrian Federation of Industry